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Pinturas sobre a Guerra do Paraguai, entre memórias do mundo

16-10-2015 23:59:09
(7527 acessos)
Registro de Memória do Mundo inscreveu (151004) 47 obras iconográficas e cartográficas na reunião que a UNESCO realizou em Abu Dabi (Emirados Árabes Unidos). O acervo conta agora com 348 peças, entre as quais as obras do Pintor Pedro Américo, sobre a Guerra da Tríplice Aliança (Guerra do Paraguai). Foram apresentadas propostas de 40 países.


Composto por 14 especialistas, o Comitê Consultivo Internacional examinou 88 candidaturas de 61 países. Patrimônio documental contou também com a análise da Association for Recorded Sound Collections (Associação para Coleções de Sons Gravados, em uma tradução livre).

O Registro da Memória do Mundo tem agora um total de 348 documentos e coleções de documentos provenientes de todos os continentes, salvaguardados em vários tipos de material: de pedras a celuloide, pergaminhos e gravações sonoras.

Para a diretora-geral da UNESCO, Irina Bokova, a missão de preservar está em cumprimento. “É minha convicção profunda e firme que o Programa Memória do Mundo, em seu trabalho de preservar a memória e o patrimônio documental, deve ser orientado pelo benefício das gerações presentes e futuras, no espírito da cooperação internacional e da compreensão mútua, de forma a construir a paz na mente das mulheres e dos homens”.


Acervo de todo mundo


Aqui as representações encontradas em museus e ambientes culturais ou governamentais, de todfo o mundo que passam a fazer parte do acervo internacional protegido pela UNESCO.



West Indian Commission Papers

Brazil and Uruguay

The War of the Triple Alliance Iconographic and cartographic presentations


Documents of Nanjing Massacre

Czech Republic and France

The moving picture shows of Émile Reynaud


The Gaze of the Other: Documentary heritage of the Salesian apostolic vicariate in the Ecuadorian Amazon 1890-1930


Skolt Sámi village of Suonjel Suenjel


The Mappa mundi of Albi


Louis Pasteur’s Archive


The Oldest Manuscripts Preserved at the National Archives of Georgia


Documents representing the beginning and the early development of the Reformation initiated by Martin Luther


Autograph of h-Moll-Messe (Mass in B minor) by Johann Sebastian Bach

Germany, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Myanmar

The Golden Letter of the Burmese King Alaungphaya to King George II of Great Britain


The Derveni Papyrus: The oldest 'book' of Europe


Three documents related to the two most outstanding results of the work of Roland Eötvös


Asian-African Conference Archives

Islamic Republic of Iran and Germany

Al-Masaalik Wa Al-Mamaalik

Islamic Republic of Iran

Kulliyyāt-i Saʽdi


Aleppo Codex


Isaac Newton's Theological Papers


Collection of Barbanera Almanacs


Codex Purpureus Rossanensis


Return to Maizuru Port—Documents Related to the Internment and Repatriation Experiences of Japanese (1945-1956)


Archives of Tōji temple contained in one-hundred boxes

Republic of Korea

Confucian Printing Woodblocks

Republic of Korea

The Archives of the KBS Special Live Broadcast "Finding Dispersed Families"


The Records of Indentured Immigration


Judicial files concerning the birth of a right: the effective remedy as a contribution of the Mexican writ of amparo to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) of 1948.

Mexico and Italy

The work of Fray Bernardino de Sahagún (1499-1590)


Myazedi Quadrilingual Stone Inscription

The Netherlands

Utrecht Psalter

The Netherlands

Selected data collections of the world's language diversity at the Language Archive

New Zealand

Sir Edmund Hillary Archive


The Book of Henryków


Files and library of the Unity of the Brethren

Portugal and Spain

The Manuscripts of the Commentary to the Apocalypse (Beatus of Liébana) in the Iberian Tradition

Russian Federation

The Sobornoye Ulozheniye of 1649


Collection of old postcards from French West Africa


William Ponty School Collection of Papers


Telegram of Austria-Hungary`s declaration of war on Serbia on 28th July 1914


Indigenous language vocabulary from the New World translated into Spanish


Bibliotheca Bodmeriana (1916-1971)


The Old Assyrian Merchant Archives of Kültepe

United Kingdom of Great Britain

Autograph First World War Diary of Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig, 1914-1919.

United Kingdom of Great Britain

The Churchill Papers

United States of America

Moses and Frances Asch Collection. Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage, Smithsonian Institution


Nehanda and Kaguvi mediums’ judgement dockets (April 1897). Case between State versus Nehanda and Kaguvi spirit mediums leading to their execution.




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